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- A Bao A Qu
- A-Mi-Kuk
- Abarimon
- Abath
- Abatwa
- Abyssal Rainbow Gar
- Achiyalabopa
- Achlis
- Adjule
- Adze
- African Dwarf Bear
- Ah-Een-Meelow
- Aiatar
- Aitvaras
- Akamataa
- Alakwis
- Alien Sightings of Belarus
- Allegewi
- Amish Country Creature
- Amphithere
- Anjing Ajak
- Antikythira Elephant
- Arabian Flying Snake
- Argopelter
- Arizona Jaguar
- Arkansas Ape Man
- Artrellia
- Augerino
- Axehandle Hound
- Axex
- Ayia Napa Sea Monster
- Az-I-Wu-Gum-Ki-Mukh-'Ti
- Babe the Blue Ox
- Bakanga
- Bakunawa
- Ball-Tailed Cat
- Baraboo Elephants
- Barguest
- Bathysphaera Intacta
- Beast of Bevendean
- Beast of Bowness
- Beast of Busco
- Beast of Dartmoor
- Bergkonge
- Bermuda Beast
- Big Blue
- Bishop-Fish
- Black Demon
- Blue-Nosed Frog
- Blurrs
- Bu-Rin
- Buffalo Lion
- Bugbear
- Burach Bhadi
- Buratsche-Al-Llgs
- Burmese Gray Wild Dog
- Burrunjor
- Butterfly People
- Cajun Werewolf
- Calopus
- Campfire Creature
- Carmel Creature
- Cat-Headed Snake
- Catoblepas
- Centycore
- Challenger Deep Flatfish
- Charybdis
- Chinese Giant Snake
- Chinese White Bear
- Chisaku
- Chollier’s Ape
- Chonchon
- Colossal Claude
- Columbia River Sand Squink
- Conakry Monster
- Cooncat
- Crawfordsville Monster
- Crazy Critter of Bald Mountain
- Czechoslovakian Dong Wrangler
- Galley-Trot
- Garta
- Gashadokuro
- Gassingram
- Gator Man
- Gatormen
- Gazeka
- Gbahali
- Gee-Gee Bird
- General Cryptozoology Media Board
- Georgia Raptor
- Ghost Deer
- Ghost Insects
- Giant Beaver
- Giant Cookiecutter Shark
- Giant Freshwater Crustaceans
- Giant Grasshoppers
- Giant Rabbit
- Giant Raven
- Giant Scuttle
- Giant Snake of Mt. Tsurugi
- Giant Tongan Skink
- Giant Vampire Bat
- Gigantic Giant Squid
- Gigantopithecus
- Glitterfly
- Glowing Mudskipper
- Godaphro
- Goodenough Island Bird
- Goofang
- Gowrow
- Greek Dolphin
- Grim Reaper
- Grindylow
- Grotte Cosquer Animal
- Ground Shark
- Guaraçaí Air-Breather