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La Rubia's drawing of one of the unipodial robot aliens, APRO Bulletin

The La Rubia Abduction features some of the least humanoid-seeming types of extraterrestrials ever reported. On 15 September 1977, Brazilian bus driver Antonio La Rubia was preparing for his usual early morning bus shift, stepping outside his home at the typical 2:20 AM. While driving to work in Paciencia, just outside of Rio de Janeiro, La Rubia noticed what seemed like an odd "reflection" in a nearby field. At first, he claims to have thought it was the abandoned, or even wrecked, bus of one of his colleagues; instead, as he got closer, he noticed the reflection was coming from a huge, "hat"-shaped vessel, exceeding 70 m (200 ft) in diameter, hovering above the field. La Rubia was apparently immobilised by a beam of blue light, before then seeing three decidedly "futuristic", robotic beings, who proceeded to bring him inside the vessel.

Inside the craft, La Rubia reported he was subjected not only to the "customary" physical examination—often reported by alien abductees—but also to an intellectual test of sorts, in which he was shown a series of images (similar to a slideshow). He was then somewhat abruptly ejected back out onto the street again, after which the craft disappeared.

The scenario and events surrounding this case may sound commonplace to some ufologists, however, La Rubia's abductors were unusually mechanical, almost "droid"-like, in appearance, rather than the typical reports of physical beings with eyes, small mouths, pale skin, no clothing, etc. Each being in La Rubia's case was about 1.2 m (4 ft) tall, not including the vertical antennae on top of their featureless heads (shaped like a rugby ball, standing erect on its tip). Their heads were also equipped with a horizontal belt of blue, mirror-like structures encircling its diameter. Beneath the head, which had no neck, was a sturdy, ovoid body covered in metallic "scales", resembling dulled aluminum or another silver-colored metal. They also had a waist-high "belt" bearing a series of hooks, which were all holding syringe-like tools, as well as two arm-like appendages that curved downwards but terminated in a dull point, lacking hands or digits. Rather than having a pair of legs or feet, the beings' bodies were borne upon a tall, slim, central "pedestal" with a circular base at ground level.
