- A-Mi-Kuk
- A Bao A Qu
- Abada
- Abarimon
- Abath
- Abatwa
- Abbagoochie
- Aberdeen Carcass
- Abnauayu
- Abura-Sumashi
- Abyssal Rainbow Gar
- Achiyalabopa
- Achlis
- Adam's Hedgehog-Bear
- Adar Llwch Gwin
- Adjule
- Adlekhe-Titin
- Adlet
- Adze
- Afanc
- Afonya
- Afreet
- African Dwarf Bear
- African elephant
- Agogwe
- Agrios Anthropos
- Ah-Een-Meelow
- Ahool
- Ahuitzotl
- Aiatar
- Aidakhar
- Aitvaras
- Akamataa
- Akkorokamui
- Akuchu
- Alakwis
- Alaskan Giant Polar Bear
- Albatwitch
- Algerian Hairy Viper
- Algerian Sea Centipede
- Alien Big Cat
- Alien Big Dog
- Alien Octopoids
- Alien Sightings of Belarus
- Alihuen
- Alkali Lake Monster
- Allegewi
- Almas
- Alovot
- Altamaha-ha
- Alula Whale
- Amali
- Ambize
- Amish Country Creature
- Amomongo
- Amphithere
- Andaman Wood Owl
- Andean Wolf
- Angeoa
- Anjing Ajak
- Anomalous Jaguar
- Antarctic Long-Finned Whale
- Antikythira Elephant
- Ao Ao
- Appalachian Black Panther
- Appalachian Chupacabra
- Apris
- Arabian Flying Snake
- Argopelter
- Arica Monster
- Arizona Jaguar
- Arkansas Ape Man
- Arkansas Snipe
- Artrellia
- Asian elephant
- Aswang
- Atmospheric Beasts
- Au Angi-Angi
- Augerino
- Australian Enigma
- Awful
- Axehandle Hound
- Axex
- Ayia Napa Sea Monster
- Az-I-Wu-Gum-Ki-Mukh-'Ti
- Aziza
- Babe the Blue Ox
- Badigui
- Bagge’s Black Bird
- Bai-Xiong
- Bakanga
- Bakunawa
- Ball-Tailed Cat
- Bangenza
- Banshee
- Baquedano Thing
- Baraboo Elephants
- Bare-fronted Hoodwink
- Barguest
- Basilisk
- Bat Beast of Kent
- Bathysphaera Intacta
- Batsquatch
- Batutut
- Baykok
- Beaman
- Bear Dog
- Bear Lake Monster
- Beast of Bevendean
- Beast of Blandenboro
- Beast of Bodmin
- Beast of Bowness
- Beast of Brassknocker Hill
- Beast of Bray Road
- Beast of Busco
- Beast of Dartmoor
- Beast of Dean
- Beasts of Sherman
- Beaver Eater
- Beebe's Abyssal Fishes
- Beebe's Manta
- Bergkonge
- Bermuda Beast
- Beruang Rambai
- Bessie
- Bhoot
- Bhootbilli
- Big Bird
- Big Blue
- Bigfoot
- Bili Ape
- Biloko
- Bird-Beast of Var
- Bis-Cobra
- Bishop-Fish
- Black Bird of Chernobyl
- Black Demon
- Black Eyed Children
- Blood Farmers
- Bloodless Howler
- Bloody Mary
- Bloop
- Blue-Nosed Frog
- Blue Albino Woman
- Blue Horse
- Blue Mountains Panther
- Blue Thing
- Blurrs
- Bohun Upas
- Bologna Horror
- Boneless
- Booaa
- Bosee Anansee
- Boston Lemur
- Bothrodon pridii
- Brains of Palos Verdes
- Brazilian Chupacabra
- British Big Cats
- Broxa
- Bu-Rin
- Buffalo Lion
- Bugbear
- Bukit Timah Monkey Man
- Bunyip
- Burach Bhadi
- Buratsche-Al-Llgs
- Burmese Gray Wild Dog
- Burrunjor
- Burrunjor, Lake Murray Monster, and Kasai Rex
- Butterfly People
- Cactus Cat
- Cafre
- Cajun Werewolf
- Caladrius
- Calama Creature
- Calchona
- Calopus
- Calygreyhound
- Camahueto
- Campfire Creature
- Canadian Giant Turtles
- Candle Heads
- Canvey Island Monster
- Cape Sable Serpent
- Captain Hanna’s Fish
- Caribbean Crowing Snake
- Carmel Creature
- Carugua
- Cassie
- Cat-Headed Snake
- Catalina Island Aliens
- Caterpillar Bear
- Catoblepas
- Caucasian Black Cat
- Centaur
- Central American Whintosser
- Centycore
- Chagljevi
- Challenger Deep Flatfish
- Charles Mill Lake Monster
- Charybdis
- Chemisit
- Cherubim
- Chessie
- Chicago Mantis
- Chickcharnee
- Chinese Giant Snake
- Chinese White Bear
- Chisaku
- Chollier’s Ape
- Chonchon
- Chupacabra
- Chuti
- Clear Lake Catfish
- Cockatrice
- Coje Ya Menia
- Coleman Frog
- Colorado River Lizards
- Colorado giant squid
- Colossal Claude
- Columbia River Sand Squink
- Columbus's Ape-Faced Cat
- Columbus’s Serpent
- Come-At-a-Body
- Conakry Monster
- Congo Giant Snake
- Constitution of It's Something Wiki
- Cooncat
- Cow-Eating Tree
- Crawfordsville Monster
- Crazy Critter of Bald Mountain
- Cretan Pterosaur
- Crimean Slug
- Crimean War Monstrosities
- Crocodile-Frog
- Crowing Crested Cobra
- Cryptids of Madagascar
- Cuba
- Cuchivilu
- Cycloptic Aliens of Harrah
- Czechoslovakian Dong Wrangler
- Dark Baby
- De Loys' Ape
- Demon Cat
- Demons
- Deogen
- Deridder Roadkill
- Devil's Footprints
- Devil Bird
- Devil Monkeys
- Dientudo
- Dingbat
- Dingmaul
- Dobhar-chu
- Dodu
- Dog Boy
- Domenech’s Pseudo-Goat
- Double-Banded Argus
- Dover Demon
- Drekavac
- Drop Bear
- Dundass Island Blackflies
- Dungavenhooter
- Dunkleosteus
- Durham Thing
- Each-Uisge
- Eachy
- East River Monster
- Ebu Gogo
- Ecuadorean Ground Sloth
- El Campo Ape Man
- El Lobizon
- El Verde Creature
- Elengassen
- Elephantiger
- Encantado
- Enfield Horror
- Engineer Rat
- Ennedi Tiger
- Entre Rios Chupacabra
- Ethiopian Deathbird
- Ethiopian Pegasus
- European Flying Snake
- Fairy
- Fanged Humanoids of Kofu
- Faun
- Fear Liath
- Fearsome Critters
- Fei Lian
- Fern Flower
- Fiji Mermaid
- Filipino Secretary Bird
- Fiskerton Phantom
- Five-Lined Constellation Fish
- Flashlight Frog
- Flathead Lake Monster
- Flatwoods Monster
- Fluorescent Freddie
- Flying Horse of Colima
- Flying Humanoid
- Flying Rays
- Foot
- Fotsiaondre
- Fouke Monster
- Four Mile Globster
- Freshwater Octopus
- Fresno Alien/Nightcrawler
- Fsti Capcaki
- Funeral Mountain Terrashot
- Fur-Bearing Trout
- Furies
- Gabon Orangutan
- Galley-Trot
- Ganba
- Ganges Giant Blue Eel
- Gargoyle
- Garta
- Gashadokuro
- Gassingram
- Gator Man
- Gatormen
- Gazeka
- Gbahali
- Gee-Gee Bird
- General Cryptozoology Media Board
- General Cryptozoology Names Board
- General Cryptozoology Nomenclature
- Georgia Raptor
- Ghost Deer
- Ghost Insects
- Giant Acorn Worm
- Giant Beaver
- Giant Bushbaby
- Giant Centipede
- Giant Cookiecutter Shark
- Giant Crab
- Giant Flying Squid
- Giant Freshwater Crustaceans
- Giant Grasshoppers
- Giant Human Skeletons
- Giant Jellyfish
- Giant Mediterranean Octopus
- Giant Owl
- Giant Penguin
- Giant Python